Backyard Chirper


LEGO Bird Series is Fun, Inventive and Elegant

People express their love for birds in a variety of ways. Some people paints birds, others photograph them and some—like me—write about them. Still, few of these outlets match the inventiveness of the amazing LEGO bird creations by Thomas Poulsom.

LEGOs, for those who may not remember, are the colorful building blocks beloved by children and adults alike. (I definitely remember being obsessed with LEGOs while growing up.) The company has a site that encourages LEGO lovers to submit their ideas to see what other people think of them. If the project receives 10,000 supporters from the site, it’s reviewed and potentially chosen for production.

Poulsom, a gardener and bird lover, submitted his humble yet aesthetically appealing LEGO birds to the site because he said he feels they would be inspirational to both kids and adults if put into production.

It’s been a big hit in the birding community for obvious reasons.

He started off creating a set of birds featuring those found in the UK, but he is expanding his collection as support grows. It’s actually very easy to support his project, so you should do so if you’re interested in seeing birds from other continents.

Here are just a few of his detailed and realistic LEGO birds taken from Tom’s Flickr page.

Bobby Robin


Greater Spotted Woodpecker










African Lovebirds


Violet-Eared Hummingbird

If you enjoy these LEGO birds, please support his project.

Timothy Martinez Jr. is a writer and freelance journalist. His work has been published in The Times-Picayune in New Orleans, Remapping Debate in New York City and other publications. He’s been a bird lover since he was young and currently lives in New Orleans, L.A.


  1. Very nice. I hope they make thrse.

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