Backyard Chirper

MAY SALE $10 off purchase of $100 or more.  Ends 05/15/24. CODE: 24MAY

Tips for attracting Northern Cardinals

It’s not controversial to say Northern Cardinals are among the most desired backyard birds. With their vibrant red coloration, frequent trips to bird feeders and recognizable song, cardinals usually top…

Tips for learning how to identify a bird by its song

We’ve all been there. While standing in the backyard or walking through the park, you hear this mellifluously beautiful chirping and are desperate to identify the bird, but then you…

How to make your yard a paradise for birds

Today is the last day to enter to win a hummingbird feeder. All you have to do is post a picture of a bird you took to our Facebook page…

Humane ways to keep pigeons away from your yard and bird feeders

In light of news that disgruntled New Yorkers have resorted to poisoning pigeons in makeshift feeders to scare them away, I thought it’d be a good idea to post on…

How to make a pine cone bird feeder with your kids

If you have children, a great educational project is making an old-fashioned pine cone feeder. This helps push kids into the foray of building things, understanding birds and getting closer…