Backyard Chirper


Bird Food Types

Written by Timothy Martinez Jr. Selecting bird food at the store can be a difficult task. There are dozens of different types, flavors and mixtures, and each one attracts a…

Birds Pecking At Your Window

Written by Timothy Martinez Jr. When birds see themselves in windows, they are usually alarmed and peck at the reflection in the glass for several minutes. If you have this…

Top Ten Most Liked Backyard Birds

Written by Timothy Martinez Jr. Everyone loves when a bird comes into their backyard for bite to eat. However, this is a list of those birds you’d love to come…

Bird Bath Tips and Ideas

Written by Timothy Martinez Jr. Buying and maintaining a bird bath for your yard is vital for attracting all types of birds. Here are tips every bird enthusiast should know…

How to Attract Birds With Mealworms

Written by Timothy Martinez Jr. Using mealworms will attract different types of birds to your yard other than those who eat bird seed. Since mealworms require more work, here are…