Backyard Chirper


How to Stop Suet from Melting

It’s brutal out there. We’re in the dog days of summer and the heat is suffocating. I’ve been going anywhere I can that has air conditioning, so I can only…

Is Bird Feeding Really Harmful?

There’s something wholesome, rewarding, and selfless about putting out some seeds for birds to eat. It can’t be easy living life out in the cold, trying to tell the difference…

How to Stop Hummingbird Nectar from Freezing

Just because the weather during wintertime becomes less inviting and more biting, it’s not a foregone conclusion that all hummingbirds have left for warmer climates. Depending on where you live, hummingbirds…

5 Accessories That’ll Make Bird Feeding Easier

Feeding birds is not only fun and entertaining but it can also be very rewarding. Serving healthy food and clean water has helped innumerable birds navigate tough winters or summers and receive the necessary…

Foods You Should Avoid Feeding Backyard Birds

Not too long ago, I wrote an extensive Guide to Wild Bird Food that covered pretty much all types of food regularly offered to backyard birds. While you have a…