Written by Timothy Martinez Jr. Here are five easy ways you can get wild birds into your backyard. Birds are among the most beautiful and remarkable animals on the planet.…
Written by Timothy Martinez Jr. Using mealworms will attract different types of birds to your yard other than those who eat bird seed. Since mealworms require more work, here are…
I enjoy almost every aspect of nature: the fresh air, the breathtaking colors, the way everything works together. But I have something to admit, I absolutely hate insects. I hate…
\ Purple Martins are beautiful iridescent birds that have a long and storied history with humans. Native Americans used to hollow gourds and put them up for Purple Martins to…
Owls aren’t exactly backyard chirpers. You’ll never see them hanging around your bird feeders interacting with chickadees and cardinals because they’re known as solitary and nocturnal. Still, that doesn’t mean…