Backyard Chirper


Time to Start Counting Birds for Science with the 115th Annual Christmas Bird Count

It’s that time of year again. Time to bundle up from the cold, spend time with friends and family, and count birds for science. Yes, the 115th Annual Christmas Bird Count is…

How to Keep Bird Feeders Dry When It’s Raining

With winter quickly approaching, expect things to get a little wet out there. For some parts of the country, like the West, rain provides a much needed reprieve from the…

Featured: Home Bazaar Covered Bridge Feeder

For hundreds of years, the covered bridge has been a popular structure in folklore and fiction. Its novel design and wooden trusses add to the quaint atmosphere of hometown America.

How to Prepare Your Birdbath for Winter

Here’s something that may surprise you: Offering birds drinking water when the temperatures dip to freezing is just as essential as offering water when the thermometer exceeds triple digits. Yes, summer…

Test Offers More Proof That Birds Can Count

Any backyard birder can tell you with confidence that birds are highly intelligent. Whether it’s the way they manage to get that last bit of bird seed out of a feeder…