Backyard Chirper


Thomas Poulsom’s Latest LEGO Creations Feature North American Birds

When I was a young boy—and admittedly, still to this day—I loved playing with LEGO. Their shapes and colors opened a world of possibilities. While many people lose their love of building, one man continues to use his imagination and skills to make amazing realistic bird creations out of the colored blocks.

We wrote about Thomas Poulsom last year when his creations first appeared on the LEGO crowdsourcing site that looks for new ideas to make commercial. However, in his first series of birds, he made species found only in the UK. He’s now expanded to several North American birds.

He currently sits at around 6,130 votes on the site, but he needs to get to 10,000 in order for LEGO to take his creations into consideration to sell them commercially. So if you’d like to see these in stores, go to his page to vote and see more.

In the meantime, check out his 15 North American LEGO birds. (All photos by Thomas Poulsom)

Andy the American Goldfinch

Andy the American Goldfinch

Arnie the American Robin

Arnie the American Robin

Bradley the Blue Jay

Bradley the Blue Jay

Tommy the Turkey

Tommy the Turkey

Stormy the Snowy Owl

Stormy the snowy owl

Benny the Black-Crested Titmouse

Benny the Black-Crested Titmouse

Norman the Northern Cardinal

Norman the Northern Cardinal

Scotty the Scarlet Tanager

Scotty the Scarlet Tanager

Peter the Painted Bunting

Peter the Painted Bunting

Buddy the Baltimore Oriole

Buddy the Baltimore Oriole

 Gary the Great-tailed Grackle

Gary the Great Tailed Grackle

Hudson the Hooded Warbler

Hudson the Hooded Warbler

Eric the Eastern Bluebird

Eric the Eastern Bluebird

Dodo the American Dipper

Dodo the American Dipper

Monty the Mountain Bluebird

Monty the Mountain Bluebird

Timothy Martinez Jr. is a writer and freelance journalist. His work has been published in The Times-Picayune in New Orleans, Remapping Debate in New York City and other publications. He’s been a bird lover since he was young and currently lives in New Orleans, L.A.


  1. Oh my, these are wonderful, such creativity!! I wish they sold these….I have most of these birds in my habitat and love the birds!! Awesome!

  2. I agree, Sam. I could only build complicated things by following the LEGO directions. These are definitely amazing.

  3. So clever! I love all of them but the Snowy Owl and Mountain Bluebird are my faves! Congratulations on creativity!

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