Backyard Chirper


Attracting Finches

Written by Steven Musumeche tips and tricks that you can use to attract finches to your finch bird feeder Many people really enjoy watching, feeding and learning about birds. This…

Video – Attracting Goldfinches

great video with instructions on how to attract goldfinches to your back yard Bird Man Mel offers a few tips for attracting beautiful but shy gold finches to your back…

House Finch vs. Purple Finch

About 10,000 different bird species populate the world, so it’s not surprising that several species look remarkably similar. Two of these species that look nearly identical are the House Finch…

How to Attract American Goldfinches

Many bird species have been harmed by the expansive and widespread activity of humans: the American Goldfinch isn’t one of them. In fact, according to Massachusetts Audubon Society, American Goldfinches…