Backyard Chirper


Foods You Should Avoid Feeding Backyard Birds

Not too long ago, I wrote an extensive Guide to Wild Bird Food that covered pretty much all types of food regularly offered to backyard birds. While you have a…

Hummingbird Nests: Interesting Facts and More

Hummingbird nests are amazing feats of nature. Despite being as little as two inches, hummingbirds can create beautiful and elaborate nests that withstand elements and fool predators. These tiny nests…

Why Do Some Birds Stand On One Leg?

If you have ever spent even a short amount of time watching or admiring birds, you’ve undoubtedly noticed a strange practice that seems to be prevalent among most bird species:…

Do Birds Have a Sense of Smell?

When we try to understand the world around us, we see it through the lens of humans. It’s completely natural to do because it’s how we interact with the world,…

Bird Myths: Gum on the ground kills birds