Backyard Chirper


Where Do Birds Sleep at Night?

The quintessential sound of the morning (aside from the awful cry of an alarm clock) is the pleasant chirp of birds. Since we commonly associate birds with the morning, very…

What Do Birds See?

It’s not crazy to assume birds see the world the same way we do. Except for sharper vision and spectacular views (like the one in our header image, which is…

What To Do If You Find a Dead Bird

Birds are lively creatures that elicit wonder and awe as they gracefully soar through the air. Seeing a bird hopping on the ground is endearing, but the true allure of…

Why Cemeteries Make the Best Birding Spots

In the midst of most cities is a relatively large oasis that’s quiet and free from human activity. There’s one catch: this is where bodies are put to rest. Sure,…

Best times for bird watching

Written by Timothy Martinez Jr. In order to see the maximum number of species, it's important to go birding at different times of the day. Here are the advantages and…