Backyard Chirper


Punk rock birder Paul Riss tries to bust misconceptions of birdwatchers

It is clear from the way he talks about the first time a black-capped chickadee landed on his hand or the way he recalls his trip to Point Pelee during…

When should I take down my bird feeders?

Now that summer is nearly here and there’s more than enough natural food, it’s time to stop feeding your backyard birds, right? Wrong. That’s not to say birds are completely…

Tips to help attract orioles to your backyard

From their ebullient colors to their mellifluous songs, orioles are among the most prized and cherished backyard birds. Orioles are found across America in a range of different species, such…

Squirrels: If you can’t beat them, join them

There’s an old proverb that says, “If you can’t beat them, join them,” meaning sometimes you have to join the enemy to find peace. If you’re constantly finding yourself on…

World Series of Birding: Birding with adrenaline

Competition exposes an entirely different aspects of birding that’s much more high-stakes and exciting. Although you don’t get to appreciate the birds as much as casual birding, it could help…