Backyard Chirper


How To Clean A Birdbath

Written by Soleil Ho Make your birdbath clean and tidy. Birds have standards, too! If you have a birdbath in your yard, you probably are familiar with the effects of…

How to Stop Woodpecker Damage

Written by Timothy Martinez Jr. If you hear constant drumming on your house from woodpeckers, they may be causing damage. Here's what you can do to discourage them from pecking…

Birdhouse Cleaning Guide

Written by Timothy Martinez Jr. In this guide, you'll find everything you need to know about cleaning a birdhouse or nesting box. Birds are among the most beautiful creatures on…

Guide to Squirrle-Proof Feeders

Written by Timothy Martinez Jr. The only thing standing between a squirrel and your bird seed is a squirrel-proof bird feeder. Here are 7 different types of squirrel-proof feeders. Feeding…

How to Maintain Purple Martin Houses

Written by Timothy Martinez Jr. Being a Purple Martin landlord is fun and rewarding, but it does require work. Check out our tips on maintaining and cleaning Purple Martin houses.…