Backyard Chirper


How to Stop Woodpecker Damage

Written by Timothy Martinez Jr. If you hear constant drumming on your house from woodpeckers, they may be causing damage. Here's what you can do to discourage them from pecking…

How to keep bugs away from Hummingbird Feeders

Written by Timothy Martinez Jr. Want to enjoy hummingbirds without being swarmed by bugs? Here are some ways to keep insects away from your hummingbird feeders. Hummingbirds love the delicious…

Winter Bird Feeding Guide

Written by Timothy Martinez Jr. With frigid temperatures and harsh storms, it's extremely important to provide birds with a friendly environment in your yard throughout winter. With its cold and…

How To Clean A Birdbath

Written by Soleil Ho Make your birdbath clean and tidy. Birds have standards, too! If you have a birdbath in your yard, you probably are familiar with the effects of…

Guide to Wild Bird Food

Written by Timothy Martinez Jr. Wild birds eat an array of foods, including everything from seeds and fruit to mealworms and beef fat. This guide covers all the foods you…