Backyard Chirper


Why Do Some Birds Stand On One Leg?

If you have ever spent even a short amount of time watching or admiring birds, you’ve undoubtedly noticed a strange practice that seems to be prevalent among most bird species:…

Video Shows Amazing Flight Path of Birds

Have you ever wondered what it would look like if birds left streaks in the sky, sort of like planes leaving contrails? Thanks to the fine video-editing work of Dennis…

2014 ABA Bird of the Year: Rufous Hummingbird

Every year, the American Birding Association selects a bird as its “Bird of the Year” to highlight a single species. This year the ABA announced that the 2014 Bird of…

Weekly Bird News Roundup (Dec. 20)

Every few weeks or so, when there’s just too much bird news to cover on this blog, we take a look at the big news in the birding world from…

Bird Food Types

Written by Timothy Martinez Jr. Selecting bird food at the store can be a difficult task. There are dozens of different types, flavors and mixtures, and each one attracts a…