Backyard Chirper


Foods You Should Avoid Feeding Backyard Birds

Not too long ago, I wrote an extensive Guide to Wild Bird Food that covered pretty much all types of food regularly offered to backyard birds. While you have a…

Hundreds of Birds Poisoned at Houston Airport

On Saturday and Sunday, birds near Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston began falling from the sky and acting very strangely. Some were paralyzed on the ground with their beaks open while…

Bird With Largest Wingspan Ever Discovered

The bird with the largest wingspan is the Wandering Albatross, which has an amazingly huge wingspan of 11 ft 11 in. That’s taller than two men of average height stacked on top…

New App Identifies Birds With Visual Technology

It’s the app we’ve all been waiting for. Birdsnap is here to take away the frustration of identifying birds with the use of visual technology akin to facial recognition. The…

Featured Product: Purple Martin Barn House

The story goes that long before Europeans arrived in America, Native Americans hollowed out gourds to attract Purple Martins by providing safe nesting spots. Not only were the birds great…