Backyard Chirper


Featured Product: Allied Precision Bird Bath

The single most important thing you can offer backyard birds is access to fresh water. With this week’s featured product, your birds will have a safe place to drink water…

Artist Arranges Birds Into Perfect Flying Pattern

People experience birds in vastly different ways. Some have a casual relationship with birds, just seeing them around the city, while others go out of their way to feed birds.. Still what…

Featured: Good Directions Enchanted Feeder

Who says a bird feeder has to be dull and featureless? This week’s featured product is proof that your feeder can be colorful, lively, and stylish. The Good Directions Enchanted…

5 Accessories That’ll Make Bird Feeding Easier

Feeding birds is not only fun and entertaining but it can also be very rewarding. Serving healthy food and clean water has helped innumerable birds navigate tough winters or summers and receive the necessary…

Watch a Bird Dive-bomb People in San Francisco

You’re walking down the street, maybe listening to some music on your phone or picking up your daughter from school, when all of a sudden you feel a firm pang…