Backyard Chirper


Artist Crafts Lifelike Birds From Paper and Wood

It’s astounding just how many ways someone can show his or her appreciation for birds. It typically comes in the form of gorgeous photographs, but occasionally someone will express his or her appreciation…

Featured Bird Item: Birds Choice Bluebird House

After a long and harsh winter, the bluebirds are finally back. Invite these beautiful birds to nest in your yard with the Bluebird House from Birds Choice.

Celebrate Draw A Bird Day on April 8

Today is Draw A Bird Day. Even though it’s not an official holiday, the day holds a special meaning. The day is designed to bring smiles and joy by drawing a…

Tiny Bird Makes Epic 1,700-mile Trip Over Water

Imagine taking trip that requires you to run for three or four days nonstop. That means no stopping, no eating, no sleeping. For humans, that trip is an impossibility. But…

Watch Man Reunite Baby Bird With Parents

Amateur birdwatcher Patrick Smith was taking a smoke break in an empty parking lot outside his office building in Riverside, Calif., when he heard distressed chirping. He followed the chirps…