Backyard Chirper


10 Fun Facts About Hummingbird Migration

It’s fall migration time! Those in the North are saying bye to the hummingbirds; those down South are saying hello as they pass through; those in the West are saying…

This Video of a Hummingbird’s Feathers Will Blow Your Mind

Yes, I do apologize for the clickbait headline, but I found the video absolutely amazing. It shows what a male Anna’s Hummingbird’s feathers look like up close and from different…

How to Stop Hummingbird Nectar from Freezing

Just because the weather during wintertime becomes less inviting and more biting, it’s not a foregone conclusion that all hummingbirds have left for warmer climates. Depending on where you live, hummingbirds…

When Do I Take Down Hummingbird Feeders?

October is officially here and the weather around most of the country is slowly starting to cool down (a little too slowly in some parts!). October is a great time…

Hummingbird Nests: Interesting Facts and More

Hummingbird nests are amazing feats of nature. Despite being as little as two inches, hummingbirds can create beautiful and elaborate nests that withstand elements and fool predators. These tiny nests…