Backyard Chirper


New Bird Species Discovered in Peru

LEGO Bird Series is Fun, Inventive and Elegant

People express their love for birds in a variety of ways. Some people paints birds, others photograph them and some—like me—write about them. Still, few of these outlets match the…

Birds are as smart as 7-year-old, study finds

If you’re still under the impression that birds are beautiful creatures but lack any intelligence, let this new finding change your mind: Birds are smarter than children in some aspects…

5 Ways to make birding more interesting for kids

Bird feeding at the park may fetch you a fine and jail time in Scottsdale, Ariz.

Feeding birds at the park is a common pastime for families looking to enjoy the outdoors and connect with birds. However, for bird lovers in Scottsdale, Ariz., throwing bread crumbs…