Backyard Chirper


7 Amazing DIY Bird Costumes

Halloween is coming and it’s time to start thinking about your costume (if you haven’t already).

Even though the closest you’ll ever get to soaring through the sky like a bird will probably be watching this amazing eagle point-of-view video, you can still look like one for Halloween.

I scoured the web and various DIY blogs and picked a few of the best homemade bird-related costumes. You can find many more ideas and images at our Pinterest Bird Costume board.

Bird Nest


On Martha Stewart’s site, you have the bird nest costume. This one is a pretty easy costume that doesn’t involve covering yourself in fake feathers. Instead, you can just attach a little bit of Spanish moss to a skull cap and add a bird with some eggs.



If you’re looking to be a little hip this year with your bird costume, you can make a fun costume out of the blue bird used in the Twitter logo (like the one above submitted to Mashable by Christie Griffin of New York). There are many variations of this costume. Once you have the costume made, you can also add a little whiteboard with “tweets” written on it to round out the Twitter theme.

Bald Eagle


There are a surprising number of bird costumes you can easily make out of nice warm hoodies. The one pictured above was made by Holly Korus at In her article, she has step-by-step instructions on how to get the look just right. It may take a lot of work, but it comes out great.



Even though they’re actually males, peacocks are popular DIY outfits for women at Halloween, most likely because peahens aren’t as ornate as peacocks. This costume is always fun because of how much you can make it your own. Julie, the creator of the costume above, even goes all out for create a peacock head as well. You can find directions to one type of peacock costume at



Although anyone can pull off the owl, I find that babies and children usually make the best owls because their shorter bodies better match the compact bodies of owls.



Flamingo costumes are great for girls of all ages because they’re pretty simple, requiring little more than pink stockings, a pink tutu, pink shirt and some sort of flamingo hat. The costume above was created by Angela of the very great A Bushel and a Peck site.



Blackbirds make great low-key costumes for men to go along with female bird outfits like the peacock. The image above is a very simple crow costume from Mike Popovic on Flickr. It’s easy to make and quickly recognizable. What more could you ask for in a costume?

Timothy Martinez Jr. is a writer and freelance journalist. His work has been published in The Times-Picayune in New Orleans, Remapping Debate in New York City and other publications. He’s been a bird lover since he was young and currently lives in New Orleans, L.A.

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