Backyard Chirper


Sale! Availability: In Stock

Combo: Heath Aluminum 12 Room House and 15′ Prime Retreat Pole and 2 Decoys

SKU: HMC-AH-12D-Combo

Original price was: $404.96.Current price is: $295.99.



Includes everything you need to begin attracting Purple Martin colonies to your yard.

This Combo includes:

Heath Aluminum 12-Room Deluxe Purple Martin House

124 in stock

15' Prime Retreat B.E.S.T Martin Pole and Adapter

124 in stock

Heath Purple Martin Decoy × 2

124 in stock

Category: Brands:

Additional information

Heath Aluminum 12-Room Deluxe Purple Martin House

Weight10 lbs
Dimensions15 × 12 × 10 in

15' Prime Retreat B.E.S.T Martin Pole and Adapter

Weight16 lbs
Dimensions66 × 6 × 3 in

Heath Purple Martin Decoy

Weight.7 lbs
Dimensions9 × 6 × 3 in
You're viewing: Combo: Heath Aluminum 12 Room House and 15′ Prime Retreat Pole and 2 Decoys Original price was: $404.96.Current price is: $295.99.
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