Backyard Chirper


Squirrels: If you can’t beat them, join them

There’s an old proverb that says, “If you can’t beat them, join them,” meaning sometimes you have to join the enemy to find peace.

If you’re constantly finding yourself on the losing end of the battle against squirrels at your bird feeders, it might be better to embrace the squirrels rather than fight them by directly feeding the squirrels. The benefits outweigh the risks for a number of reasons.

Firstly, one of the best ways to squirrel-proof a bird feeder is to simply give the squirrel its own feeder. Keeping a squirrel satisfied with its own food will prevent it from munching on the more expensive bird seed.

Secondly, you’ll no longer be filled with anger and disdain every time you see one of those furry little critters in your yard. Squirrels are undeniably cute animals you should not have to be battling all the time.

Finally, feeding squirrels can be thoroughly entertaining thanks to a slew of great feeders made from bird feeder companies like Duncraft. Use a squirrel’s craftiness for your own pleasure with these different types of squirrel feeders.

Squirrel Chair


There’s something adorable in seeing a squirrel sit at a table in a miniature chair to eat corn. Give yourself joy every time you glance into your backyard with a squirrel chair like the one pictured above or this one.

The Squngee


Not to be confused with a squeegee, the squngee is a bungee device for squirrels. Hanging from a tree or roof, the squngee requires a squirrel to jump up onto the stretchy wire to eat its corn.

Squirrel Spinner

A number of great squirrel spinners exist on the market, but one that consistently garners good reviews is the  Squirrel Spinner. You affix the device to a tree and watch the squirrels spin, eat the food upside down and enjoy themselves. (Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a better picture than the poorly Photoshopped picture above, so if you have one you’ve taken, please let us know.)

Squirrel Teeter Totters

Like the chairs and squirrel-go-rounds, a variety of squirrel teeter totters are available to buy. Squirrels are very crafty and enjoy a good challenge, so you’ll be able to see the intelligence of these animals.

Timothy Martinez Jr. is a writer and freelance journalist. His work has been published in The Times-Picayune in New Orleans, Remapping Debate in New York City and other publications. He’s been a bird lover since he was young and currently lives in New Orleans, L.A.


  1. Eastern Fox squirrel is pictured. I have red squirrels and gray squirrels in the yard. I’ll see the grays on a daily basis in the winter, but the reds seem to show up in late winter. Plant more oaks!

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