Backyard Chirper


Why the New Orleans Pelicans Name Change Will be Good for Birds

When I lived in New Orleans, I used to take long walks along the southern shores of Lake Pontchartrain, the massive brackish estuary north of the city. One of my…

The Hipster Birders Talk About Their Love of Birds and Ways You Can Become a Birder

The sheer amount of birding blogs on the web makes it impossible to regularly keep up with every site. While pretty much every birding blog is quite interesting, I can…

Great Gifts for Bird Lovers

The holidays are a great time of year to celebrate, have fun and spend time with the family. But there’s always that little matter of presents. I’ve never been the…

Interview with Birdorable: Amy & Arthur Give Some Insight Into the Site

Since the first time I stumbled upon Birdorable, I was hooked. The site is filled with absolutely adorable renderings of birds, and I have spent hours and hours looking through…

Adaptive City Birds Are Using Cigarette Butts in Nests to Keep Away Mites