Backyard Chirper


Featured Item: No/No Red Cardinal Bird Feeder

How to Deal With Bully Birds at Your Feeders

We’ve all seen it happen at one time or another. A small chickadee is quietly and gently eating some seed from your feeder when out of nowhere a noisy Blue…

Featured Product: Feng Shui Elements Chime

Even though we focus primarily on bird products, we have a special fondness for creating the perfect outdoor sanctuary in our backyard. That feeling of serenity can only be achieved…

When Do I Take Down Hummingbird Feeders?

October is officially here and the weather around most of the country is slowly starting to cool down (a little too slowly in some parts!). October is a great time…

Collective Nouns for Groups of Various Birds

We’re all familiar with some of the basic collective nouns for birds, such as a murder of crows or a gaggle of geese, but what about a charm of finches…